Sunday, September 25, 2022

Antiwar Voices

    U.S. history has been riddled with wars and conflicts from the very beginning and in each case there are some people who support the war and some people who do not. However, there seems to be a disproportionate amount of media coverage that either supports the government's actions or glosses over its faults. Meanwhile the sentiments of the opposition are often much harder to find. Why is this? Why doesn't the mainstream media cover stories of antiwar voices more often? I think this is likely because it doesn't fit their practice of writing highly polticized stories that target individual leaders or political parties, rather than the government as a whole. Additionally, by sticking to the narrative and avoiding the broader consequences of governmental actions, they can avoid backlash from criticizing leaders they may be in the habit of praising. 

    Two websites that do publish stories of antiwar voices and dissent are  The American Conservative and ANTIWAR.COM

When exploring The American Conservative website, I found many examples of antiwar voices including these two stories: "Biden Commits US to War for Taiwan" and "Leave Crimea Alone". The first article cites four times that President Biden has declared that U.S. has made a commitment to come to the aid of Taiwan in event of an invasion from China, despite the fact that such an act could lead to a world war. The author criticizes Biden's seemingly unilateral decision to make a commitment to defending Taiwan because of its potentially catstrophic consequences. In a similar vein, the latter article criticizes the sentiments of Ukraine's president to take back Crimea from Russia because it would "[escalate] the war for uncertain gains" and it "would force the U.S and Europe to either up their support... or abandon Ukraine." 

Additionally, two stories I found on ANTIWAR.COM were "'Leading from Behind': Is Washington at War With Moscow?" and "Biden's Afghan Shell Game Prompts Media Shrugs and Stenography". The former is about American involvement in the war in Ukraine with the provision of American weapons and the use of American satellites to monitor Russian movements, and the latter is about U.S. appropriation of $7 billion dollars of Afghanistan's central bank reserves that has caused an economic crisis in the country. 

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