Saturday, December 10, 2022

Final Post

 Evolution of Technology

    Technology, as defined by Britannica is, "the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims
of human life," encompassing any tool ever used by human beings and their ancestors. In fact, human evolution is defined by the development of new and improved technology: from fire to the printing press to the Internet, and everything in between. It is now and always has been an integral part of the human experience; however, the modern day application of technology seems more significant than that of the past, at least in the way it impacts how people relate to one another. Past technological advances propelled us into the future with tools and machines that improved efficiency and quality of life. Conversely, current advances focus less on the physical application of technology and more on how preexisting technologies can be improved to expedite information exchange, perhaps even to the detriment of human connection.

Societal Significance

    On the one hand, a positive effect of digital technology is how computer advancements and instant
communication help people communicate, especially through social media. People are connected more than ever before through the instant exchange of news, art, music, and ideas across online platforms and physical distance. People can engage in debate from across borders, social movements can promote change, and old friends who lost touch can find each other again, all through technology.
    On the other other hand though, one major problem associated with increased connection on social media is addiction to technology. Lives are lived through phones and apps consume our time and energy while simultaneously collecting information on us to be sold to marketers that draw us further into the cycle of digital preoccupation. Additionally, efforts to stay connected online can very easily
contribute to becoming disconnected in real life.

    In fact, in a past psychological study about how cell phone use during face-to-face interaction related to how satisfying those interactions were, researchers found that people felt less socially connected when using their phone during a face-to-face interaction. They also found that such mixed interactions (combining phone use and face-to-face communication) were still more beneficial than interaction done solely through social media. Essentially, they confirmed that there is a correlation between face-to-face interaction and overall satisfaction with social interaction that is diminished with the incorporation of an electronic device. While technology may enable us to make more connections across farther distances, it doesn't necessarily enable those connections to be meaningful.

Personal Experience

    Personally, I don't have much of an online presence because I don't post information about myself online and the only social media account I have is TikTok, which I only use to watch videos, not to create content. That being said, technology is still integrated into pretty much every part of my life be it using a laptop for research for classes, playing games on my phone, watching Netflix, or texting friends and family. Most often, I have at least one electronic device within reach, and while this is certainly something to be aware of, I think its also important to recognize that this may simply be an unavoidable consequence of the culture we live in, where technology is prevalent in most, if not all, aspects of society. As a result of the extensive presence of technology within society, I think that, for the most part, consistent use of technology is a reflection of the adoption of main stream culture, and it is really only a cause for concern when it becomes detrimental to social functioning.

Final Thoughts

    Altogether, technology has always been a vital component to human experience, influencing the ways we interact with the world and each other, but for all its benefits it is also important to be cautious of how much time you spend using technology, what you use it for, and just how much it affects your life for the good or the bad. Furthermore, we should always remember that technology is meant to be a tool to enhance our authentic experience of life, rather than a means to turn that experience from authentic to artificial.

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